Noken 2 way diverter RED (colour may vary) Fits into the brass body behind the Noken brass diverter extention sfn004
Noken 3 way diverter (colour may vary) Fits into the brass body behind the Noken brass diverter extention sfn004
Handle for the on/off for the thermo valve choose code sfn002
Handle for the thermostatic valve for the on/off valve choose code sfn460
Fits onto either a 2 way (sfn013) diverter cartridge or 3 way (sfn ) diverter cartridge
System-Pool Noken NB thermostatic valve updated GENUINE replacement for brass bodied thermostatic valve that fits inside the valve set as shown (does not include the valve set, handles or faceplate). Note that the old brass bodied valve tends to break into two pieces when removed leaving...